The People Company
Pulaski County Human Services, Inc. (PCHS), is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to low-income, disabled, and elderly households, as well as general public-transportation and referral services in Pulaski County.
PCHS is the Area 1 Agency on Aging designee for Northwest Indiana Community Action Agency and the community action agency for North Central Community Action Agency. Demand-response public transportation in Pulaski County for the Kankakee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission‘s Arrowhead Country Public Transit Service and the rural public transit of Indiana Department of Transportation is provided by PCHS . All of these entities help to provide funding for many of the services that PCHservices to families in order to maintain independence and self-sufficiency to improve the quality of life in Pulaski County Indiana.
Mission Statement
Pulaski County Human Services, Inc. is people coming together to plan, to act, to create new opportunities, and to inspire a renewed vision for all assisting the low income, elderly, disabled and or otherwise socially or economically disadvantaged to attain economic self sufficiency and or appropriate living.

PCHS Board
The backbone of PCHS, Inc. is the board members who give of their time and talents to set policy, approve budgets, review documents, establish goals and objectives…
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PCHS Advisory Councils
Advising the board are several groups composed of residents who represent program and services stakeholders. These groups meet quarterly and share information pertaining to the council’s focus,…
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